You are the captain of a spaceship named "The Flying Hippo." One day, you're working on tuning up your ship's engines when you get an urgent message on your space phone:
"Captain, one of our Mars robots is sick. We need you to go to Mars immediately and retrieve it so that we can fix it and download the results of its important experiments."
You remember that you're supposed to go to a meeting of the Space Scouts tonight, and you were really looking forward to it. But, on the other hand, the other Space Scouts would understand that this mission is very important.
What do you do? Go to Mars, or stay home?
Answer Yes when you're ready!
Please answer yes or no.
Great choice! Mars is lovely this time of year (or, during the time of the year when you'll arrive, about 260 days from now!).
You pack up your things and prepare enough food for the journey, then take off!
Launch goes smoothly and you sit back, put on your headphones, and prepare for a relaxing trip.
A week later, things are going great. There's nothing for you to do except read, listen to music, and watch movies. Just then, you hear a strange sound.
It sounds like Gizmo, your cat! She must have snuck aboard while you were packing!
You're happy to have the company, but you didn't pack enough food for the both of you, and there certainly isn't a grocery store on the way to Mars.
You have a choice: risk running out of food on the return trip, or turn around now and go home. What will you do?
You decide to stay home. They'll get someone else to fly to Mars. Besides, you heard that they're going to have free pizza at the Space Scouts meeting!
Please answer Mars or Earth.
You decide to risk it. The journey is long, and you give sweet Gizmo half your food, knowing that you may not survive the return trip, but the Flying Hippo can carry the robot home without you, and at least the important experimental data (and Gizmo, of course) will be safe.
When you arrive at Mars, you quickly locate the sick robot. But, you also discover something else: a large ice chest full of delicious sandwiches! The last repair crew to visit the robot must have left this here! You unwrap one of the sandwiches and carefully take a bite. Peanut butter! Your favorite! Gizmo's favorite too!
You pack up the sandwiches and the sick robot and start up the Flying Hippo, knowing that there's now more than enough food for both you and Gizmo.
But before you could initiate launch sequence, Gizmo hisses at the door...
You slowly open the door and find that there's a wounded blue alien right outside who needs your help!
Let someone else get the robot. You turn the Flying Hippo around and head home.
When you get back to the spaceport, you open the door to exit your spaceship and your boss is standing outside.
You apologize and explain the whole thing to him about how there wouldn't have been enough food.
Steam comes out of your boss's mechanical head as he tells you that there are always plenty of sandwiches on Mars, and that you would have been just fine if you had completed your mission. He fires you. You pick up Gizmo and start walking home.
Oh well, at least you still have Gizmo!
Please answer Risk It or Go Home.
Oh no! This guy needs your help!
Being the hero that you are you try figure out what is going on.
You help the alien into your space ship and find your language translater. However, the alien hapens to speak human and he is so happy to see you!
He was hunting a Chibby Chum Wooki when a Difdgedle attacked him and left him wounded.
Seeing your space ship, he had hoped you were a friendly human that could help him.
Maybe today is the day you make an alien friend?
Looks like you chickened out! Whoopsy.
You took one look at the blue alien and said, "Nope", then closed the door as quickly as you could
Gizmo was more than happy to leave but your boss was furious that you didn't interact with the other life form and bring it back to Earth.
Your boss fired you but you got a ton of cuddles from Gizmo.
Please answer Hero Moment or Chicken Out.
His name is Gibma and you just made a new friend!
Gibma is so thankful that you helped him that he wants you to have a meal with his family
Gizmo and Gibma have also become the best of friends so you decide to have a fun filled day with Gibma's faamily and friends. Gizmo featured in most of the photos and snuggled up to Gibma's daughter.
But all good things must come to an end but you can't help feeling more than grateful to have made a new friend. Gibma sends you off with some souvenirs and a cute collar for Gizmo.
You show your boss the selfies with Gibma when you're back home and you get a promotion!
You stay in touch with Gibma and chat via interstella coms. He's become one of your best friends and he is planning a trip to Earth to vist you soon.
You're going back home to be in your safe space: Your bed, with Gizmo.
Goodbye Mars and crazy blue aliens!!
Please answer Alien Friend or Safe Space.